Cancellation Policy:
- Orders can be canceled before they are shipped without any additional charges.
- If the order has already been shipped, you will need to wait until you receive it and then request a return according to the return policy.
Cancellation Procedure:
- Contact us as soon as possible via email at [email address] or phone at [phone number] to request a cancellation.
- We will confirm the receipt of your request and inform you of the status of your order, whether it has been shipped or not.
- If the cancellation is eligible, a refund will be issued to the original method of payment within [number of days] business days.
- Customized or special order products may not be eligible for cancellation once production has started.
- Cancellation may not be possible if the products have already been shipped.
We are here to assist you with any questions or help you need. Thank you for shopping with us!